We offer a number of psychological interventions for children and adolescents, their families and their parents.
Initial Assessment
A package of up to four sessions and one review meeting combining both individual and parent consultations to assess a young person’s psychological health and provide a treatment recommendation.
Our Unique Adolescent Exploratory Therapy (AET)
A series of consultations in which a young person explores their feelings, difficulties, and begins to understand what is worrying them and why. The young person and therapist will think together about changes that could be made and what might make the young person feel better.
Child Psychotherapy
Aims to understand the complex emotional lives of children. This treatment seeks to look beneath the surface of problematic emotions, behaviours or relationships and to help children to understand themselves, their difficulties and help their development. The therapist carefully observes a child and responds to what they might be communicating through their behaviour and play.
Family Consultation and Therapy
In some cases it is helpful for other members of a young person’s family to come to sessions with them, so that the family can think together with a therapist and begin to work on matters they would like to change. In sessions, the therapist will facilitate group discussion; helping the family to address the difficulties they are facing, and help them to move forward.